We would like to Thank...
We would like to thank all the community members who gave of their time and energy, and dedicated themselves to the completion of their digital stories. We understand the process was, at times, stressful and perhaps painful, but also empowering in the sense of sharing and creating a space and place where we could tell our stories, and have others understand. And now we have stories to share with those who too, will understand and appreciate the stories that we tell.
We would like to thank the members of the Advisory Committee for their guidance and wisdom, and support.
We would like to thank the Elders, who brought us together and guided us in our spiritual journeys.
we would like to acknowledge...
We would like to acknowledge support from:
Youth Action Network
Paulina Tshuma Catering
The Daniels Spectrum
Henry G. Bauld Centre
Ariel’s Catering
Wilfrid Laurier University
The Social Sciences and Human Research Council